The largest brass ensemble in the Czech Republic will celebrate five years of its existence today at Besední dům. The evening will also include the launch of their new CD.
Moravia Brass Band consists of thirty musicians led by chief conductor Chuhei Iwasaki. Their goal is to popularize the music of brass instruments and to present them in unconventional programs and arrangements. Today, October 25, 2022, at 7:00 pm, the orchestra will perform a gala concert at the Besedni Dům. Under the direction of chief conductor Iwasaki, the brass orchestra will perform a festive program – in the first part, MBB will reminisce about all its previous projects and will christen its second CD with Czech and Moravian carols in unique arrangements by Ondřej Moťka directly for MBB. The whole concert will be conducted by the leader of Czech Radio Brno, Jiří Kokmotos.
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