Thirteen of Brno’s music schools have applied to the nationwide happening of music schools in public spaces, ZUŠ Open, which will take place on Tuesday May 30: V. Kaprálové, PhDr. Z. Mrkose, P. Křížkovského, Orchidea Clasic, J. Kvapila, F. Jílka, Charbulova, Veveří, Smetanova, Slunná, A. Doležala, Universum and the ZUŠ specialised in church music.
The aim of the project is to present the programme of primary art schools in the space of one joint day and to thus create an opportunity for pupils, teachers, parents and all who are interested in art and the cultivation of the youngest generation to get together. Sponsorship of the entire ambitious event has been taken up by the Brno’s native daughter Magdalena Kožená. Under the direction of Alice Nellis and together with young musicians, dancers and artists she has filmed a television trailer for the ZUŠ Open. You will be able to see the new clip broadcast by Czech Television, which is the main media partner of the event. What the atmosphere was like during shooting of the trailer and the memories that Magdalena Kožená and Alice Nellis have of their time in primary art school, you can find out here.
Detailed information on the project ZUŠ Open can be found at