Ensemble Opera Diversa is relaunching its activities. In the premises of the former Brno penitentiary it will perform a repeat performance of its mini-opera cycle Labské horrorroperry [Horrorroperras from the Elbe], written by Ondřej Kyas, Pavel Drábek and directed by Kateřina Křivánková.
The piece entitled Mluvící dobytek a tajemné kosti [The Talking Cattle and the Mysterious Bones] was written by its authors – the composer Ondřej Kyas and the librettist Pavel Drábek – on motifs from short stories by Hubert Krejčí and Aleš Roleček. These stories are based on haunting legends and tales from the Pardubice district, the Elbe area and especially the mysterious Kunětická hora [Kunětice Mountain]. The repeat performance of the opera minicycle is to take place on 22 June 2020, starting from 19:00 in the forced labour hall of the Brno Káznice (former penitentiary). The cycle of the already traditional diverse mini-opera format was created in 2005 and it was staged under the direction of Tomáš Studený. The renewed premiere of the new production took place on 7 June 2019 in the courtyard of Káznice on Cejl Street, where it is now returning with its second repeat performance.
Talking Cattle, a horror mini-opera triptych for voices and four instruments: Smějící se hlava [The Laughing Head], a horror cantata for two soloists and a small male voice choir; Labe [Elbe], a hydrological aria of the big river for solo and a small mixed choir; and Mluvící dobytek [Talking Cattle], a horror mini-opera for seven singers. The repeat performance will take place with the following cast: Hana Kuželová, Veronika Chlebková, Jakub Tuček, Vladimír Jindra, Zdeněk Nečas, Jiří Žouželka and Pavel Slivka. Musicians: Jan Bělohlávek – violin, David Křivský – viola, Milena Svobodová – clarinet and Pavel Horák – bassoon.
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