As soon as this Sunday, the Czech Radio Brno will release a programme named Sedmikrásky na nebi (Daisies in the Sky), featuring live commenting of the sky. The show is developing as a result of collaboration with the Brno Observatory and Planetarium, and Jiří Dušek, director of Brno Observatory and Planetarium, will appear as a guest.
The Czech Radio Brno presents shows under the slogan "A Wave of Joy is Rolling from Brno", aiming to make the tedious quarantine time more pleasant for listeners. For Sunday 22 March, the Czech Radio Brno, in collaboration with the Brno Observatory and Planetarium, is preparing a unique live commenting of the sky in a show called "Sedmikrásky na nebi" ("Daisies in the Sky"). Listeners can tune in to the Czech Radio Brno at 7 pm and go out to their balcony, garden or just look out of their windows and take a look at the spring sky. The Czech Radio Brno will accompany this view with a presentation by astronomer Jiří Dušek, director of the Brno Observatory and Planetarium. For this Sunday, the planned topic is Venus, which should be fairly visible in the sky. Jiří Kokmotos, programme manager of the Czech Radio Brno, says: "The show will be interactive, listeners will have the opportunity to send messages, call and ask Jiří Dušek directly."
The broadcast of the show Sedmikrásky na nebi is announced for Sunday 22 March at 7 pm on the waves of the Czech Radio Brno.
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