Brno International Music Festival – 2016 Exposition of New Music starts the 29th annual event. The topic is Space for Listening. The programme will feature works by composers such as Ben Patterson, M.E.V., Richard Teitelbaum, Alvin Curran, Georges Aperghis, Ivo Medek, Christian Lauba, Pasquale Corrado, Giacinto Scelsi, Simon Steen-Andersen, Pavel Zlámal and more.
The first evening will be dedicated to the recently deceased Benjamin Patterson. A symphony concert with the Brno Philharmonic Orchestra will be a tribute to the ensemble Musica Elettronica Viva, a trial of world's composers and improvisers will be features (Alvin Curran, Frederic Rzewski and Richard Teitelbaum). This will be followed by three days with a combination of a chamber concert and a solo recital. Some of the performers will include the ISHA trio or saxophonist Pavel Zlámal with a composition that was made to the order of the festival organisers. Noise and classics will be combined in the Xenakis/Karkowski project. Thomas Buckner will perform in the Besední dům (Meeting House) with his resonant baritone and electronics in the compositions of iconic American filmmakers. The end of the festival will feature Emanuele Torquati playing the world premiere of Peter Bakla and a composition by Ivan Fedele, Matthias Pintscher, Thomas Larcher and Francesco Filidei. The festival will take place from 19 to 23 October 2016.
The festival's symphony concerts, recitals, improvisational performances and chamber music concerts and parties will be held in the Meeting House, the PRAHA Forum for Architecture and Media and the Brno House of Arts. "By entering the concert hall, we are separating from the rest of the world. In concert halls, we correct our hearing and learn to listen again," say Viktor Pantůček, festival programme director, about this year's event.