Božena Němcová, která se stala operní hrdinkou

18 November 2017, 19:00
Božena Němcová, která se stala operní hrdinkou

Původní komorní opera Jsem kněžna bláznů měla premiéru v brněnské Redutě.  Autorkami operní novinky, která mapuje soukromý i tvůrčí život první české spisovatelky Boženy Němcové, se staly skladatelka Lenka Nota a dokumentaristka Olga Sommerová. Libreto vzniklo na základě Němcové korespondence, básní Františka Halase, Vladimíra Holana a Františka Pavlíčka. Novou operu představil Ensemble Opera Diversa v Mozartově v pátek 17. listopadu.

Hudba Lenky Noty vznikala na libreto Sommerové několik let. Z původního obsazení pro klavír a smyčcové kvarteto ji pak skladatelka překomponovala na míru souboru a pro komorní orchestr v obsazení flétna, fagot, hoboj, klarinet, klavír a smyčce. V hudebním nastudování dirigentky Gabriely Tardonové, v režii Kristiany Belcredi a ve scénické a kostýmní výpravě Sylvy Markové tak vznikla veskrze opera téměř výhradně ženská a podtrhující spisovatelčin emancipační odkaz.

Bolestný příběh ženy, která se neztotožnila toliko s údělem manželky a matky, zasadil jmenovaný inscenační tým do zašlé kuchyně panelákového bytu. Mezi bábovkou a pečenými kuřaty tady aktéři ilustrují zárodky obrozenecké literatury i emancipační vlny. Operu o devíti obrazech otevírá obraz nešťastné lásky – vstup do manželství. Po celou dobu neměnná scéna s kuchyňskou linkou, stolem a barovými židlemi plní ironizující funkci omezeného prostoru působnosti ženy předminulého století. Vstup na scénu je tady vtipně řešený skrz lednici, troubu nebo kuchyňský dřez, z nichž často promlouvají čtyři zpěváci v roli komentátorů, dětí, milenců i udavačů.  Se stejnou nadsázkou zobrazují autorky nesčetně Boženiných milenců, u nichž marně hledala lásku a niterné porozumění. Herci vybíhají v nátělnících s pořadovým číslem na prsou.

Libreto Olgy Sommerové nese krásnou, ale na operní poměry velmi hutnou linii textu hraničící s nezpěvností. Opera sama pak způsobem zacházení s mluveným slovem má charakter melodramu. Jediná role je zde čistě činoherní a to postava manžela Josefa Němce. Odráží se takto jeho nepochopení poetického světa Boženy, jeho surovost a chlad. Text bohužel při premiéře utrpěl velkou akustikou Mozartova sálu. Velmi exponované pasáže orchestru často navíc zapříčinily místy až nesrozumitelnost textu. Stejně tak se sdělení místy utápělo v neobratném překrývání zpívaných partů s mluvenými. Inscenaci by možná tak více slušel menší divadelní prostor s orchestrem zapuštěným pod úroveň jeviště.

Je jen ke škodě, že slovní sdělení zůstalo divákům do značné míry utajené, protože sdělení hudební potom zůstalo kompozičně bohužel poněkud nevyužité. Hudba sama o sobě nezachází do extrémnějších poloh expresivity ani intimity a nevyhraněně tak balancuje mezi patosem, nadsázkou a plytkostí. Zdařile ale ilustruje krátké lyrické motivy s hrdinčinými útěky k jejím psaným příběhů. Avšak tak široká paleta jakou je život Boženy Němcové se vší nevykřičenou křivdou společenské předurčenosti ženského údělu, tak zůstala v instrumentaci bez hlubší výpovědi.

Roli spisovatelky ztvárnila mezzosopranistka Jarmila Balážová. Byla herecky přesvědčivou Boženou, kterou láskou překypující srdce, nepochopení duševní rozervanosti a snaha o zachování vlastní ženské sebeúcty ubila. Ve velmi náročném partu s mnoha velkými intervalovými skoky měla však pěvkyně absolutní kontrolu nad svým plným a barevně sytým hlasem. Stejně tak výborně ladilo kvarteto Tereza Maličkayová, Pavla Radostová, Martin Javorský a Aleš Janiga. Nevelký prostor dostal v činoherní roli manžela Josefa herec Lukáš Rieger. Na svůj větší part si počkal až v samém závěru inscenace, dramatickou a emočně vyhrocenou situaci plnou nezastavitelné agrese, kterou řečnicky perfektně ustál.

Vynikající výkon odvedl orchestr pod vedením dirigentky Gabriely Tardonové, která vykřesala z předepsané instrumentace maximálně možný emoční efekt i s technickou precizností hráčů.

V dnešní době často rozporuplných emancipačních kampaní si málo připomínáme Němcovou jako jednu z prvních vlastenek bojujících za svůj vlastní život. Opera Jsem kněžna bláznů Němcovou jistým způsobem staví mezi hrdinku a mučednici, ale bez ambice jasného rozsudku.

Jsem kněžna bláznů, premiéra 17.11. 2017, Hudba: Lenka Nota, Libreto: Olga Sommerová, Dirigentka: Gabriela Tardonová, Režie: Kristiana Belcredi, Scéna a kostýmu: Sylva Marková, Božena Němcová: Jarmila Balážová, Josef Němec: Lukáš Rieger, Komentátoři/Hosté/Udavači/Děti/Milenci/Historici: Tereza Maličkayová, Pavla Radostová, Martin Javorský, Aleš Janiga

Foto Vít Kobza



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On Saturday, 24 August, the Korean radio orchestra KBS Symphony Orchestra with its musical director - Finnish conductor and violinist Pietari Inkinen - came to Brno's Špilberk Festival with an exclusively romantic repertoire. The invitation was also accepted by South Korean violinist Bomsori Kim, a graduate of the prestigious Julliard School.  more

For a quarter of a century now, the Brno Philharmonic has been organising the Špilberk Festival at the end of August in the courtyard of the castle of the same name. Four open-air musical evenings offer the audience a selection of concerts featuring classical, film and computer music, as well as often jazz and other genres. This makes it a diverse mix of performers and repertoires with an often pleasant, summery, laid-back ambience. This year's big and rapdily sold-out attraction was the Wednesday evening of 21 August, full of melodies from the James Bond films, performed by the Czech National Symphony Orchestra, headed by world-renowned conductor, composer and arranger Steven Mercurio. During the concert, the audience also got to enjoy singers Sara MilfajtováVendula Příhodová and David Krausmore

As part of its European tour, the Taiwanese Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir (TPCC), under the direction of artistic director and choirmaster Dr. YuChung Johnny Ku, took the city up on its invitation and visited Brno. The concert was held on Monday, 13th August in the hall of the newly renovated Passage Hotel.  more

The final concert of this year's season of the Brno Philharmonic was devoted to works by Antonín Dvořák and Jean Sibelius at the Janáček Theatre. On Thursday, 20 June, Danish conductor Michael Schønwandt, who had not appeared before a Brno audience since January last year, took the lead of the Philharmonic. In the first half of the programme, the orchestra was accompanied by violinist Alexander Sitkovetskymore

In the spirit of the idea that Brno and folklore belong together, the Folklore Ensemble Happening of the Year took place on Thursday 6 June. The event was organised by the Brno UNESCO City of Music Office in cooperation with the Brno Dances and Sings association. The event thus became part of a long-term project that set out to map the amateur music scene in Brno, and not only folk music. Last year Brno City of Music reached out to choirs in a similar way, and in the future will host garage bands and more. This just goes to prove the diversity of Brno's music scene, not only as regards professional ensembles, but also enthusiastic amateurs for whom music is an inseparable part of their lives.  more

The Brno Dances and Sings Association and TIC Brno organised the 49th annual Brno Dances and Sings show on 6 June. The programme, concentrated into a single day, was busier than in previous years. The subtitle Year of Folklore Ensembles was borrowed from the project of the same name organised by the Brno UNESCO City of Music Office.  more

A year ago we would have found an Asian market in the New Synagogue in Velké Meziříčí. However, the town decided to buy the building and has started to make more fitting and dignified use of it. On Wednesday 5 June, during the ongoing Concentus Moraviae festival, audiences could visit this heritage site and enjoy a chamber concert by singer and violinist Iva Bittová and her women's choir Babačka, featuring musicians Jakub Jedlinský (accordion) and Pavel Fischer (violin).  more

The evening concert by Ensemble Opera Diversa entitled The Face of Water, which took place on 4 June outdoors in the atrium of the Moravian Library in Brno, was preceded by a morning discussion between Professor Miloš Štědron and Associate Professor Vladimír Maňas from the Institute of Musicology at Masaryk University. They both enjoyed an engaging talk on the theme of water in art (from Gregorian chant to the early 20th century), concluding with a sample of the edition and the playing of a recording of Janáček's symphony The Danube. The concert, conducted by Gabriela Tardonová and inspired by the theme of water, featured one world and three Czech premières. Harpist Dominika Kvardová appeared as a soloist.  more

Like other music festivals, the 29th annual Concentus Moraviae International Music Festival has not only had to reflect the fact that it is the Year of Czech Music, but also the unique 200th anniversary of the birth of Bedřich Smetana, the founder of modern Czech music. The dramaturgy of this year’s festival, which has just launched, is in the spirit of "Metamorphoses: Czech Smetana!". The first festival concert, which took place on 31 May at the Kyjov Municipal Cultural Centre, gave a hint of the direction the rest of the festival's dramaturgy will take. The organisers of the show decided to explore Smetana's work from a fresh angle and to work not only with the music, but also with the audience’s expectations. The opening evening saw a performance of Smetana's famous String Quartet No. 1 in E minor From My Life, but in an arrangement for a symphony orchestra penned by conductor and pianist George Szell. Smetana's work was complemented by the world première of the Concerto for Flute and Orchestra "Sadunkertoja" by Finnish composer, conductor and artist in residence at the 29th annual festival, Olli Mustonen, commissioned especially for the festival. Mustonen also conducted the Prague Philharmonia's performance of the two works. Danish flautist Janne Thomsen performed as soloist.  more

As part of Ensemble Opera Diversa's Musical Inventory series of concerts, which began back in 2017, the ensemble aims to present (re)discovered works and composers that we rarely hear on stage. However, this dramaturgical line also offers the space and initiative to create some completely new works performed in world premières. This time, the chamber concert held on Wednesday, 29 May 2024 in the auditorium of the Rector's Office of the Brno University of Technology (BUT) was directed by the Diversa QuartetBarbara Tolarová (1st violin), Jan Bělohlávek (2nd violin), David Křivský (viola), Iva Wiesnerová (cello), OK Percussion Duo (Martin OpršálMartin Kneibl), soloists Aneta Podracká Bendová (soprano) and pianist Tereza Plešáková. The theme was a nod to the Prague composition school from a pedagogical and artistic perspective.  more

The concert with the subtitle Haydn and Shostakovich in G Minor closed the Philharmonia at Home subscription series on Thursday 16 May at the Besední dům. It was also the last concert of the 2023/24 season (not counting Friday's reprise), with the Brno Philharmonic led by its chief conductor Dennis Russell Davies. In the second half of the evening the orchestra was accompanied by singers Jana Šrejma Kačírková (soprano) and Jiří Služenko (bass). As the title of the concert implies, the dramaturgy juxtaposed works by Joseph Haydn and Dimitri Shostakovich, which are almost exclusively linked only by the key in which they were written.  more

Connection, unity, contemplation - these words can be used to describe the musical evening of Schola Gregoriana Pragensis under the direction of David Eben and organist Tomáš Thon, which took place yesterday as part of the Easter Festival of Sacred Music at the church of St. Thomas. Not only the singing of a Gregorian chant, but also the works of composer Petr Eben (1929-2007) enlivened the church space with sound and colour for an hour.  more

With a concert called Ensemble Inégal: Yesterday at the church of St. John, Zelenka opened the 31st edition of the Easter Festival of Sacred Music, this time with the suffix Terroir. This slightly mysterious word, which is popularly used in connection with wine, comes from the Latin word for land or soil, and carries the sum of all the influences, especially the natural conditions of a particular location and on the plants grown there. This term is thus metonymically transferred to the programme of this year's VFDH, as it consists exclusively of works by Czech authors, thus complementing the ongoing Year of Czech Musicmore

For the fourth subscription concert of the Philharmonic at Home serieswhich took place on 14 March at the Besední dům and was entitled Mozartiana, the Brno Philharmonic, this time under the direction of Czech-Japanese conductor Chuhei Iwasaki, chose four works from the 18th to 20th centuries. These works are dramaturgically linked either directly through their creation in the Classical period or by inspiration from musical practices typical of that period. The first half of the concert featured Martina Venc Matušínská with a solo flute.  more

The second stop on the short Neues Klavier Trio Dresden's Czech-German tour was at the concert hall of the Janáček Academy of Music on 6 March at 16:00. A programme consisting of world premières by two Czech and two German composers was performed in four cities (Prague, Brno, Leipzig and Dresden).  more


This year's 35th annual Prague Cantat international choir competition also featured the Brno choir Gloria Brunensis, which won first place in the Women's Choir category and a special prize for its performance of Der Wassermannmore

Zuzana Čtveráčková, translator for the Brno City Theatre, has won the competition organised by the European Union Songbook Association, which in July 2020 invited translators to translate the lyrics of selected Czech songs into singable/melodic English.  more

Singer-songwriter, composer and producer Katarzia is preparing two concerts with her band. They will be played in Brno and Prague. Both performances will feature a special line-up combining acoustic instruments and electronics. The music and lyrics will be enhanced by projected works of Czech-Icelandic artist DVDJ NNS. In addition, the Brno concert will be filmed by Czech Television under the direction of Tereza Reková. At the same time, Katarzia will be presenting some new work - her electronic album "Rest in Euphoria" with music composed for the eponymous performance of Prague's Cirk La Putyka will be released in early December.  more

The Cotatcha Orchestra big band has been on the music scene for 10 years. They will be celebrating with a spectacular concert at the Goose on a String Theatre together with four guests - singers Lenka Dusilová and Géraldine Schnyder, double bass matador Vincenzo Kummer and trombonist and Latin Grammy winner Ilja Reijngoud. The sixteen-member ensemble nominated for the Anděl Award was founded by trumpeter Jiří Kotača to play original and original big band music. The anniversary concert will feature a selection of their best from past and present, including new works. All accompanied by animations by Magdalena Bláhová.  more

Due to an injury, the Staatskapelle Berlin will not be led by its chief conductor Christian Thielemann at the festival concert. Standing in for him will be conductor Jakub Hrůša, who has already performed with his Bamberg Symphonies at the Janáček Brno Festival this year.  more

The Brno Philharmonic has announced a new date for Pavel Černoch's concert, as a substitute for his summer concert at Špilberk that was brought to an end by a storm. The concert is scheduled for May 2025.  more

The Brno Culture Newsletter presents an overview of upcoming events and opportunities concerning theatres, clubs and other cultural events in Brno.  more

Although there are still two concerts left before the end of this year's JazzFestBrno festival, the organisers are already coming up with the line-up for next year. From the beginning of February to May, they’ll be offering a total of thirteen concerts featuring major world jazz stars and intimate performances from the Club Life series in the stylish Cabaret des Péchés. The winner of five Grammys, singer Dianne Reeves, one of the most respected figures in the world of orchestral jazz, nine-time Grammy winner Maria Schneider with the Oslo Jazz Ensemble, jazz piano stars and Grammy winners Kris Davis and Sullivan Fortner, the British trio Mammal Hands combining jazz and electronics, Italian virtuoso guitarist Matteo Mancuso - these and many others will all be coming to Brno.  more

The concert is dedicated to the memory of the forty children drowned during World War II on Mendlovo náměstí (20 November 1944). The concert will feature the world premières of two commissioned compositions, Adagio for Orchestra by Adrián Demoč and the meditative Exercise of Breath and Spirit by Pavel Zlámal. Clarinettist Marek Švejkar will perform the Czech première of Domaines by Pierre Boulez and the final performance will be the somewhat atypical Actions by Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki.  more

Johann Sebastian Bach as a ground-breaking composer and the composers who were inspired by his work are the subject of the concert Schnittke 90 & Bach, to be played by the Brno Philharmonic on Thursday and Friday, opening another subscription series. The concerts will be conducted by Robert Kružík at the Besední dům.  more