CAMP FIRE FRIENDS CELEBRATE 60 YEARS with O. Matušková and J. Štréble

25/09/24, 19:00

K.T.O. 60 years on the scene and the memory of Waldemar Matuška."

The legendary music group K.T.O. founded in 1963, is setting out across the Czech Republic to celebrate its great jubilee in 2024. In their 60 years of operation, K.T.O. hundreds of songs, both alone and with Waldemar and Olga, they also recorded several full-length shows, played thousands of concerts and traveled almost all over the world, including four tours in the USA (Nashville, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Francisco and others).

The concert program is designed in the following format:

K.T.O. 60 years on the scene: songs like Treacherous Banjo, Nelly Bly, Plácek v udolí, U tří louží and others. and Remembrance of Waldemar Matuška, represented by the songs – Tísíc mil, Eldorado, Jó črešné žrály, Nightingales from Madrid, Time will take away everything and many others.