Martin Dvořák's authorial production for actors and dancers is based on available sources about the actor Hugo Haas and his brother Pavel, who perished in 1944 in the Terezín concentration camp. The concept is based on their imaginary interview before Hugo's death, which recapitulates and looks at his life. The project is presented in a small space with a strong emphasis on a combination of realistic drama and stylized movement "choreography". The actor represents Hugo Haas, a dancer of his brother Pavel. The musical side of the production is based on the chamber work of the composer Pavel Haas and the film work of Hugo Haas. The author is Jan Hanák Sonority. The talking dancer represents the plane of his dead brother Pavel full of imagination, symbolism and metaphysicality or non-literacy, the actor represents the world of the still living Hugo Haas with his pain, uncertainty, past and reality. Both performers are on stage all the time. Dramatic and intimate moments are alternated between humorous and exhaled. An important contribution of the production is in the mapping of the hitherto little-known Haas period in Hollywood and Vienna. In 2021, 120 years will pass since the birth of Hugo Haas in Brno.
HAAS Days after Fame
10/12/21, 19:30