Ondráš 70

19/10/24, 19:00

The Ondráš Military Art Ensemble has been active on the art scene for 70 years. For its anniversary, it has prepared a gala program full of music and dance, which will take place on October 19, 2024 at 7 p.m. in Brno's Janáček Theater and will offer a cross-section of the artistic work of this unique ensemble, complemented by impressive video projections. You will have the opportunity to watch choreography from the beginnings of the ensemble, the former Jánošík Military Song and Dance Ensemble, through the successful program numbers of the 90s, when Jánošík became Ondráš, to the current work of the last 10 years. Examples from the programs Příběhy tanem zzívané, Certovinky, Dvanáctero, Píběh zbojník or kRok za kRokem will take turns on the stage. The program will also be enriched by many guests - former members, who across generations will meet again on the same stage.