Mário Radačovský I Coco Chanel

16/10/24, 11:00

The story of visionary creativity that changed the way women dress. Coco Chanel as fearlessness, ferocity and risk, as well as taste, philosophy and brand. Contemporary ballet by Mário Radačovský about a woman who fundamentally influenced the world of fashion.

The second, spring premiere of the 2023/2024 season, completes artistic director Mário Radačovský's ten-year tenure at the helm of the Ballet NdB. As a choreographer, in the past he liked to devote himself to full-length titles inspired by the life and work of great personalities of human cultural history. We can recall the titles of the ballets Warhol, Beethoven, Michelangelo.

Now his creative attention has been captivated by an extraordinary woman who has turned the fashion world upside down by changing the modern woman's wardrobe. Her journey to the top, as is the case with exceptional people, was painful and thorny, but for choreographer Mário Radačovský, the most important word to describe her is that she was genuine, real. In today's world, we often give up without a fight because it's easier, more comfortable. Many of our decisions are postponed because they evoke the necessity of self-denial. But the path to success knows no shortcuts. And the story of Coco Chanel can serve as an example and is a proof of how important the factor of endurance of determination and clear direction is to pursue one's goal and to be able to sacrifice and subordinate almost everything for success.

As with Beethoven and with Coco Chanel, the choreographer is fascinated by the reach of her influence and significance, her ability to transform her field in such a way that we perceive with exaggeration the world of fashion before and after Chanel. As with most of his productions, Mário Radačovský will collaborate with his proven Slovak creative team. The author of the scene will be Marek Hollý, and Ľudmila Várossová accepted the tempting challenge of a costume set in the spirit of Coco Chanel.
