Jiří Bubeníček Cyrano de Bergerac

27/09/24, 19:00

The title of the world-famous verse drama written by Edmund Rostand in a dance adaptation? Sure! The main character of the play, namely the famous swordsman and poet Cyrano, directly invites you to grasp it in the ballet.

The well-known story is not only about deep love, but above all about the contrast between inner and outer beauty. The nosy, ugly and proud Cyrano, a defender of honor and love with a rich soul, and the beautiful but empty young man Kristián love the same woman, the beautiful Roxana. She chooses physical beauty in Kristián, only to realize at the end of the story that she has loved the beauty of Cyrano's soul all her life.

Ballet NdB has long planned to approach Jiří Bubeníček, one of the world's most outstanding ballet performers, who has combined his career with John Neumeier's Hamburg Ballet and the Semper Opera Ballet in Dresden. Currently, after ending his active dance career, Jiří Bubeníček is already an established choreographer with his own work performed by ballet companies in Stockholm, Rome, Dortmund, Hannover, Florence, Zagreb or Tokyo, for example. His ballet Doctor Zhivago was performed by the National Ballet from Ljubljana, Slovenia, at the Dance Brno 100 festival.

Jiří Bubeníček is a choreographer with a reputation as a great dance storyteller, so we can look forward to a contemporary action ballet that will bring to life the neo-romantic hero Cyrano from Bergerac on our stage in his attractive choreography and direction, in the scenography of his brother Otta Bubeníček and costumes by Nadine Cojocaru.
