Nacho Duato I Bdění

03/11/23, 19:00

Not every generation of choreographers can be said to have dominated the global development of ballet art for many decades. Our new ballet evening presents the works of personalities who influenced ballet art at the turn of the millennium and still captivate us with their unsurpassed inventiveness inscribed in their choreographies.

The evening follows the award-winning and literally packed title 4 Elements presented by our company, where we have juxtaposed works by world greats Jiří Kylián and Nacho Duato, who need no introduction in Brno. We have decided to repeat this exceptional combination of creators in the current opening night and to enrich it with an exceptional choreographer from Eastern Europe, the long-time artistic director of the Kiev Modern Ballet, Radu Poklitaru. He will create for our company a new choreography Waves, a ballet reflection on the nature of human happiness, on the secret magic of the absolutely closed inner world of man, on the boundary in a lonely being, beyond which real life begins. Jiří Kylián’s choreography Sleepless raises the question of the connection between movement and the movement of the soul. Are we sure that we really want to approach something and at the same time move away from it? This question inevitably has a great influence on our existence, our intentions and our passage through life. The third part of the evening is Nacho Duato’s fascinating choreography White Darkness. In it, Duato reflects intensely on the theme of drug addiction, a situation he himself experienced first-hand in the form of the untimely death of his sister, to whom he dedicated the work. The evening promises to be a peak experience for those who love contemporary ballet. With its undeniable quality, movement expression, inventiveness and power of expression, it will undoubtedly appeal to a more conservative audience.