19/04/22, 19:00

The African sun shines the same on everyone - and yet on some a little more. We are all human and yet we carry a lot of differences. In combination with the saying "another region, another morality", this is even more true.
Danger lurks in every village, hides in family, friends, in every minute of darkness after dark. Being an albino in the middle of black Africa. Where every day can be his last. Where they don't dance to the beat of drums about life, but about the death of every albino.
One story - one albino - one community. After all, we are all under one sun.

concept and screenplay: Kryštof Šimek, Marie Mlatečková
directed by: Kryštof Šimek
Dramaturgy: Marie Mlatečková, Veronika Onheiserová
choreography: Jiří Bouda
music: Tereza Marečková, Jiří Bouda
production: Kristína Valachová
set design: Helena Heinrichová
costumes: Jiří Kolář and Anna Tichá
lighting design: Barbora Jágrová
photo documentation: Krištof Hugo Kundráčik
Students of the graduate year of the Michal Zetel Studio of Musical Acting play: Petra Benediktyová, Eliška Horňáková, Míma Krajčová, Lucia Mária Lukačková, Ondřej Komínek, Marek Viteker, Alexandra Vostrejžová and students of the 1st year of Petr Štěpán's MH.