Groove Brno: Freak Power (UK)

15/11/24, 20:00

Freak Power is the embodiment of legendary wild energy. A band that stormed into London clubs at the beginning of the nineties and captured the local scene with its unique mix of acid jazz, soul, funk and trip hop and managed to make it onto the charts as well.

It was led by two unique personalities: Vocalist and trombonist Ashley Slater and bassist Norman Cook. Under the Freak Power banner, they released two albums together - Drive-Thru Booty (1994) and More of Everything For Everybody (1996) and then went their separate ways. The latter became a producer and DJ known worldwide as Fatboy Slim, the former later revived Freak Power, took over the reins of the band leader and, with a bunch of younger musicians, continues to keep the flow of this wonderfully goofy and hugely exciting energy flowing.

Brno's Metro Music Bar has a lot to look forward to - Freak Power will head here on November 15. And their set cannot be complete without the biggest hit Turn On, Tune In, Cop Out.

The entire Groove Brno program here: