Terne čhave + Two men

07/11/24, 20:30

TERNE ČHAVE are considered to be one of the oldest, but also the most successful groups playing Roma music in the Czech Republic. At home they played all the big festivals and also toured a large part of Europe. The Roma have always been musical omnivores and were able to adapt to their own image the music of any country and time in which they lived. In the same way, Terne Čhave also seized the instruments of today's rock bands and combined their potential with the legendary Romani energy. But the band doesn't worry too much about their style, and you won't even have time for such thoughts, because most of the songs take place at a devilish pace. But if you couldn't sleep because of the sheer curiosity of what they are playing, we will tell you that this is real gypsy rock'n'roll aka ROM'N'ROLL!!!

In the past, TWO MEN played in the wine bar of the hotel "Bílý lev" on the square, in Žďár nad Sázavou, under the name "Mirko Klimeš's group". The hotel disappeared into the abyss of history and from the surface of the earth, the healthy core remained and started a musical campaign throughout Europe.
The Two Men's repertoire includes pop, rock, blues, jazz, evergreens, disco,
compositions by Czech and foreign performers, simply live music from all over the world.