The Ukulele Orchestra as Brno is an association of a diverse group of players and fans of the ukulele, originally a Hawaiian instrument resembling a small guitar, by age and musical experience. After the first performances, a group of amateur and professional musicians was formed very quickly, gradually building a unique approach as well as a repertoire consisting of cover versions of well-known songs, which they try to present with the aim of entertaining themselves and the listeners. The path of the individual members to the ukulele was different, but the basic impulse was inspired by Tom Hodgkinson's book The Lazy Parent. The author - himself a promoter of the ukulele - highlights the advantages of this versatile instrument with a unique sound and even claims that no household should have a ukulele. This confirms the ever-increasing popularity of the stackable instrument among professionals and music enthusiasts.
Ukulele Orchestra
20/12/22, 20:30