Starobrno Free Night: Noise Flow, Space Bandits, Proplet

14/02/22, 19:30

It is said that Free Nighty is even better now than before! So come check it out and enjoy the club atmosphere and great bands!
At popular Nights, we always present mainly talented, definitely promising, and especially rising stars. We usually look for them in Brno, but we are not afraid to go further. The January Starobrno Free Night will present 3 bands and none of them should escape your attention! Admission is free, but a voluntary contribution will support the bands so that they can more easily start their (perhaps) stellar career.

Noise Flow
Indie-elektronika-alt-rock / Brno
"The band was formed in the second half of 2019 under the influence of the indie wave and alternatively rock bands from the turn of the millennium, and in an effort to bring its sound closer to modern times, it complements the colorful jigsaw puzzle with elements of electronics, dance music and progressive rock. Noise Flow's work is influenced by bands such as Kasabian, Muse, Wolf Alice or Tool. Her first single "The Fall" won the "Tip of the Week" award on the largest Czech music community server The single "Hunting Club" with a clip styled in the form of a classic 80's slasher was received particularly positively. "

Space Bandits
psychedelic-indie / Hradec Králové
"Space Bandits are travelers across the stellar space of our Milky Way galaxy. The endless musical possibilities of exo-civilizations give room for creative freedom and inspiration. "

progressive-art rock / Brno
“We are a progressive cafe and tender giants paid by N. Morse. We are volunteers of counterpoint and we are not racists: we accept the rhythms of all times. We respect the freedom of harmony. "