Musicians Martina Trchová and Adam Kubát decided to revive Zuzana Navarová's exceptional repertoire in 2009. The original intention of two commemorative performances in Prague and Brno has gradually shifted to occasional concerts - from residential to festival.
"We want to touch all periods - Nerezů, Spanish songs with Iván Gutiérrez, of course KOA, we have also reached Kainarovky. Judging by the responses of Zuzana and her song, a lot of people are missing, so we are glad that we can present them to them, at least in a chamber version. "
Martina has been performing as a singer since 2000, accompanied by Trio in the last decade. She received the Anděl genre award for her latest album Holobyt (2016). Adam and his long-time teammate Pavel Křivák perform with Simon & Garfunkel's repertoire
Martina Trchová & Adam Kubát - Vzpomínka na Zuzanu Navarovou
17/12/21, 20:00