21/12/24, 20:00


7krát3 (nicknamed Jaquin Step, real name Štěpán Hebík, born July 21, 1989, České Budějovice) is a Czech musician, singer, producer and rapper. A distinctive image with a unique visual concept is its characteristic feature.

From the beginning, the work of 7krát3 attracted the attention of not only the audience, but also music critics. Rádio Wave awards him the prize for the best pop song of 2019. In 2021, he wins the Anděl prize in the main category Solo performer. 

His debut album "I" was released on the Bigg Boss label and featured several important musicians such as Jiří Korn, PSH, Adam Koller or Mike Trafik. He invited almost thirty musicians to collaborate on his second album "II". Rytmus and Erika Rein, for example, contributed their voices.

He will perform 7 times3 together with a live band in the Cabinet of the MÚZ.