03/11/23, 20:00


"Best of" Czech EBM legend Vanessa and the Meisterstücke tour 2023

Hey, you know us well, we've been on the scene for 33 years and we're not complaining. A lot has happened. 33 years, that's an eternity, and while the world around us is changing and slowly disappearing, Vanessa and I are still holding on. Like some fucking zombie who forgot they should poop sometimes too.

We have seven albums. I think the first was published in 1991, the last two years ago. Now we realize we don't have a "best of album" yet. Something that would sum up the time we lived in, something that would show the young people how free we were and how fucked up we were, and also something that would screw up the bastards of the next generation.

Masterpieces 1990-2023
We are planning to release a double album called: "Meisterstücke 1990 – 2023", which will contain the greatest pieces we have made in our 33 years of existence.

We have to pay licenses for those old songs, because the companies we used to release at that time swallowed the big labels and you want big money. Unfortunately, they didn't listen to our complaint that it's our fucking songs and that we're not a shitty Kabat, so they're going to make fun of us. They are clerical machines and only understand numbers.

Speaking of those numbers – the seven albums we've released, that's almost 100 songs, and we'll pick the best 20 for the double album + a surprise at the end. Of course, all the songs will be newly remastered by the sound grandmaster so that it will blow your mind as soon as you put the needle on it.

Vanessa Meisterstücke tour
At the same time, we will go on a tour that may be our last. For this occasion, we have prepared a lot of new merch that you can pre-order as part of the campaign that we are launching now and the goal of which is to raise money for all of this.

Releasing a vinyl is a difficult thing, and releasing a double vinyl is even more difficult. So – just as you could always count on Vanessa to satisfy your baser urges, we could count on you too. The last two records were created only thanks to you and idiots like you.

So, dude, it's time to get in your hat and help us make this all happen. Buy T-shirts, a new double album, concert tickets and other privileges that we offer you here.

Samhain is a Slovak dark idm electronic act, which is a huge complex of consistent atmospheres, industrial blocks and crystal electronics.
Samhain was founded in 1996 by its then members - Solo, Blazen and Peter Blažko. Their first acts were influenced by the industrial scene. In March 1997, Peter Blažko left the band and Bob became the third member. His experiences during the collaboration with KIFOTH influenced the further development of Samhain's sound.

Dj Ice Doll will take care of the after party.