07/08/24, 19:00

We cordially invite you to the charming summer scene of Café Práh in Brno, where close musicians and friends will gather - singer Alishi, musician Karel Macálka (Rangers etc.) and the Brno band Kolibříkův úlet.
Alena "Alishi" Střelečková is the new owner of Porta 2024 and released her blue, rain-scented debut album this spring. Karel Macálka, who not only performs on the record, but also sat behind the mixing desk in the studio and tirelessly oversaw the creation of the recording, and his friends from the band Kolibříkův úlet, will christen the "Girl in the Rain". "Kolibríci" also returned from Porta this year with a bronze award, so we can guarantee an evening full of quality folk (and etc. :))
I hope I can reveal that there will certainly be joint songs, because both Alishi and Kolibříci already have a duet with Karel Macálka, so it will be a really colorful evening.
We look forward to you experiencing it with us. ❤️