Info.Jiří Vondrák | CZ
Tolek Muracki | PL
Alyosha Kudryavtsev | RUSSIAN
This evening is called the International Concert of Good Will Singers, and in the Czech-Polish-Russian performance, you will be able to listen to the songs of two icons of Russian (or, if you prefer, Soviet) committed songwriting. Vladimír Vysotsky, from his early, rather lyrical songs, worked his way up to political satire. His compositions have almost become popular and now together with the songs of Bulat Okudžava we will be able to listen to them performed by the trio Vonrák - Muracki - Kudryancev. It mentally follows on from another formation with which Jiří became famous, namely Bodlák – Vondrák – Polák.
"Concert of Peace and Reconciliation" by the trio Muracki (PL) + Kudryavtsev (RU+ČR) + Vondrák
05/12/22, 19:00