19/10/24, 17:00

STOCKHAUSEN Fresco, Czech premiere
BCO – Brno Contemporary Orchestra
Young Brno symphonists
members of the Brno Philharmonic
conductors Pablo Druker, Pavel Šnajdr, Radim Hanousek, Pavel Zlámal, Gabriela Tardonová
FRESCO is a compositional site-specific project by Karlheinz Stockhausen from 1969, which premiered as part of the MUSIK FÜR BEETHOVENHALLE project in Bonn and has not been performed again since. The five-hour piece is scored for four spatially separated ensembles in an unspecified cast. Its form, course and meaning are defined by the subtitle Wandklänge zur Meditation (Sounds of walls for meditation). It is therefore not a concert piece in the traditional sense of the word, but rather a kind of sonic invasion into a specific space in which listeners can freely move and switch between individual groups of players, thereby changing their own perceptual sound perspective, so to speak. The installation of this project in the captivating premises of the Besední dom will be an extremely interesting event and certainly the highlight of the 36th New Music Exposition.