We load suitcases, tailcoats, shoelaces, hairpins and instruments into the philharmonic truck and set off to meet musical adventures from all over the world. What is a yogurt cake and what is a piglet? And for which expeditions does the orchestra necessarily need to pack stickers? We will drive, sail, fly and maybe even walk a little from Brno across the world back home to Brno.
Is that not possible? Kristýna and her guests are ready to face all the pitfalls of the biggest tour in the history of the Brno Philharmonic together with you. So pack up and enjoy the fun with music from all over the world with us.
A music workshop is prepared for young travelers before the concert, which always starts at 9:15 a.m. in the foyer of the Besední dom (free entry and no registration). Adults can attend a professional lecture by musical guests at the same time.
moderators Kristýna Drášilová and Josef Škarka
directed by Rudolf Chudoba
Brno Philharmonic
conductor Chuhei Iwasaki
03/12/22, 10:30