The Atavists | Midnight Swimmers

23/04/25, 20:00

The Atavists are the winners of two Anděl 2018 awards. They are a four-member musical project balancing on the border between blues, stoner-rock and the influences of surf bands from the sixties. The characteristic sound of the group consists of dirty guitars, cracked retro organ and distinctive vocal performance of frontman Adam Krofian. In 2015, the group managed to win the national round of the GBOB international competition, and at the beginning of 2016 they released their debut album Bad Times, and in 2018 they succeeded with the album LO-FI LIFE (Big Boss label) in two categories of the Anděl music awards. The Atavists are a Czech rock band influenced by surf and stoner styles. They were formed at the end of 2014 and quickly found their place on the Czech music scene, especially thanks to their energetic live performances.