Amelie Siba | Čáry života

09/04/25, 20:00

Amelie Siba is a musician and composer originally from Prague. Her latest album Gently Double A - released in April 2023 creates a collage of lo-fi samples, dirty guitars and layered angry vocals. In his latest projects, Siba opens up the topics of healing trauma, looking at oneself and anger. Although her previous work was known for a very intimate nature and has now moved into a more aggressive/assertive realm with a dirtier sound, vulnerability is still a major element of her work.

Cáry života "Slow and sad songs about love." This is how musician Jan Boroš, originally from Valašské Meziříčí, characterizes his new project. His home band is Fiordmoss, currently based in Berlin, who are preparing a new album for spring. Unlike their electronic baroque, however, Cáry života is more minimalistic, more intimate and, above all, more guitar-based and also with Czech lyrics. The debut album Stínítko won the 2018 Apollo award of the Czech music critics.