God and Eve | Krstní otcovia

17/12/24, 20:00

God and Eve

The core of the God and Eve band consists of Eva Sajanová and Richard Grimm (who also acts as God the Egg in Raptor Koch's concert line-up). Both are studying music composition, Richard at the HAMU in Prague and Eva at the Bratislava Conservatory. The praised newcomers of the Slovak scene, God and Eve, received a nomination for Discovery of the Year from the Radio_Head Awards for their debut The Creation, full of playful art pop, jazz and psychedelia.
Their debut album was released by Slovak Slnko Records, as well as the subsequent EP The Fastest Way to Deep Clean and House, on which they continue their playful approach to art pop with strong melodies and excellent vocals. Both EPs will be released together on one LP. God and Eve move from complex art rock compositions to more pop structures and don't forget their quirky humor either. Last year, they thrilled at the Slovak Sharpe showcase, and this year they will also present themselves at Colors of Ostrava.

The Godfathers, a band made up of four godfathers who haven't baptized anyone yet. They claim that pentatonics, 25 effects and a cover of Where is my mind are enough for them to be famous. However, KO members call the style "experimental anarcho post noise art mega punk"