Random Choices | The Tails | Čihy

11/10/24, 18:00

Random Choices

Random Choices define themselves as a rock group with funk and pop colors. They started playing in 2017 and since then they have played many concerts in their native Trenčín and its surroundings, but also abroad, such as in Austria or the Czech Republic. Listeners could record their music, for example, on Radio Slovakia, Radio Devín or others.

The Tails

The band was formed at the end of 2016 in a bar in the late evening hours. A few rehearsals in the cellars followed, a few covers were played, the quality of which can be doubted, the first drops of beer fell and there was something in the world that they started to enjoy. An unused room became a rehearsal room, and as time went by, covers began to decrease in the repertoire at the expense of their own songs. The band themselves call the style of their music drunk punk.

Sneak peeks

A four-member pop-punk-rock band from Prague that has been active since March 2022. The group consists of singer and guitarist Jakub Čihák, bassist Jan Navrátil, guitarist Tomáš Kaucký and drummer Štěpán Donát.