BATCH: Hello Marcel | Koňe a Prase

05/10/24, 20:00

Hello Marcel

The duo Hello Marcel slowly formed during 2017, when the boys Adam Sodomka and Michael Macek (alias Šmáca), friends from the Svitava gymnasium, hit their heads so hard that they got the idea to form a Czech disco band. The first songs were written alternately in a shared rehearsal room in Svitavy or at Šmáci's apartment on Anglická street in Prague. In February 2018, they released their debut album called Marcel, named after their funny and inspiring friend. After the previous busy year, they managed to finish 9 songs and outline the early dance vision of this tandem group. The release was done amateurishly, basically they just recorded it on Spotify, then filmed it on a mobile phone and edited the first video clip for the song Seš Strelec together over a beer. In May, the first concert took place in Prague's Vzorkovna, subsequently the song Bůček resonated on the air of the program Startér, and the following year already received invitations to the festivals Beseda u bigbítu, Rosnička and others. Such were the beginnings and the first years of the gastrodisco group Hello Marcel, to which the boys today refer with the release of best-of vinyl. The crucial point in the renewal of their specific musical disco-surrealism occurred at the beginning of 2020, when they released their second full-length studio album, Hořák. They subsequently gained considerable attention by creating the soundtrack for the comedy series Bananas for Prima+. They also close this pivotal year by finishing and releasing the LP 2018 - 2023, which contains a selection of the best released songs and which, for the first time in their history, is also released on a physical medium in the form of vinyl. In addition, they are not afraid to enrich their creative universe by collaborating with the non-profit organization Help pes, in the framework of which they create an awareness campaign that points out the ethical pitfalls of sedating dogs during New Year's celebrations. On this occasion, they are releasing an eponymous recording called Jsem psjetej.

Adam the Sodomite
Michael Macek (Smáca)

Horse and Pig

The band Horse and Pig was founded at the instigation of Martin and Viktor in 2013 in order to play at openings. In 2015, Lenka joined the band and the band began to take shape into its current form. The original work was characterized by simple songs with banjo, saxophone, heligonka and children's piano. He and Lenka tried to alternate different instruments, after a 1.5-year break, the instrumental cast of each of them settled down. The lyrics cheerfully reflect the everyday situation of ordinary people with an emphasis on ecology and criticism of society. For a long time, the band performed mainly in their hometown of Valmezu. In 2018, at the Zubštejn festival, the band's time was noticed by Petr Marek and Prokop Holoubek, who gave them the chance to perform at several sold-out concerts in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in front of their band Midi Lidi. Thanks to this, the next year the band was approached by the organizers of various alternative festivals throughout the Czech Republic. During the last 5 years they tried to record an album on their own, this effort was successfully completed by David Schwager and Jan Boroš in Hadov's studio in the mountains in the north of Moravia. Even before the album was released, they placed the single Vysavač in the Big Seven chart on Radio 1, where it remained for 7 weeks.

Martin Janírek
Viktor Mikulašek
Lenka Halová