Don Quijote
One of the pillars of the classical ballet legacy is the ballet Don Quixote to music by Ludwig Minkus, inspired by Cervantes' famous novel The Ingenious Don Quixote of La Mancha. It describes the adventures of the hero, the knight Don Quixote, who is torn by imaginations moving between illusion and reality.
However, the ballet productions use Cervantes' story in their libretto only as inspiration and pretext. All the stage action is centered around the young loving couple Basilio (Basil) and Quiteria (Kitri), who are hindered by the rich suitor Comacho (Gamacho). Only thanks to Don Quixote will their love be fulfilled.
Jackal years
"Close your eyes, most of you can see better..." The famous film musical comedy by director Jan Hřebejk and screenwriter Petr Jarchovský from 1993, based on the story of the same name by Petr Šabach, does not present a realistic picture of the Czech 1950s. Rather, she builds, with admitted exaggeration, a monument "to honor the heroes who once drove people mad," as she sings in her final song. It attempts to embody the dream of freedom and independence that every generation needs.
Kate & Gentlemen
The band's sound combines guitar elements of modern bluesrock with the rhythmic sense of the Brazilian drummer and Kate's energetic, unmistakable voice. The setlist will feature not only their own compositions, but also songs from the current global bluesrock generation.
Director David Radok and his Rusalka as a fateful drama about unfulfilled desires and human failure, about the contradictory conflict between love and erotic desire, a drama about the sinful human soul. The production will be another contribution to the Year of Czech Music. Since its creation, Dvořák's Rusalka has been one of the most beloved and performed Czech operas, not only thanks to its beautiful and unique music, but also to Jaroslav Kvapil's poetic and timeless libretto, which conceals endless symbolism. The theme is perfect for David Radok, who will create a multilayered production full of strong emotions for the first time in the Czech Republic.
David Radok's set design is based on the concept of Rusalka by set designer Lars-Ake Thessman, presented at the GöteborgsOperan in 2012.
Balet NdB 2: Serenity / A healthy dose of madness / Dům Bernardy Alby
The choreography Serenity will bring the calm power of minimalism to the stage, inviting the audience to silence and deeper perception. The theme of the choreography is based on the contrast of movement and stillness. The dancers will move on the border of dynamic movement until the moment of absolute stop. These moments of stillness evoke living sculptures that create a space for a meditative experience and a pause in a busy world. With this work, the choreographer, Barbora Rašková, tries to offer the audience a unique opportunity to slow down and let themselves be carried away by the depth of the moment.
Jackal years
"Close your eyes, most of you can see better..." The famous film musical comedy by director Jan Hřebejk and screenwriter Petr Jarchovský from 1993, based on the story of the same name by Petr Šabach, does not present a realistic picture of the Czech 1950s. Rather, she builds, with admitted exaggeration, a monument "to honor the heroes who once drove people mad," as she sings in her final song. It attempts to embody the dream of freedom and independence that every generation needs.
Jackal years
"Close your eyes, most of you can see better..." The famous film musical comedy by director Jan Hřebejk and screenwriter Petr Jarchovský from 1993, based on the story of the same name by Petr Šabach, does not present a realistic picture of the Czech 1950s. Rather, she builds, with admitted exaggeration, a monument "to honor the heroes who once drove people mad," as she sings in her final song. It attempts to embody the dream of freedom and independence that every generation needs.
Jackal years
"Close your eyes, most of you can see better..." The famous film musical comedy by director Jan Hřebejk and screenwriter Petr Jarchovský from 1993, based on the story of the same name by Petr Šabach, does not present a realistic picture of the Czech 1950s. Rather, she builds, with admitted exaggeration, a monument "to honor the heroes who once drove people mad," as she sings in her final song. It attempts to embody the dream of freedom and independence that every generation needs.
Jackal years
"Close your eyes, most of you can see better..." The famous film musical comedy by director Jan Hřebejk and screenwriter Petr Jarchovský from 1993, based on the story of the same name by Petr Šabach, does not present a realistic picture of the Czech 1950s. Rather, she builds, with admitted exaggeration, a monument "to honor the heroes who once drove people mad," as she sings in her final song. It attempts to embody the dream of freedom and independence that every generation needs.
Omnion is the solo project of composer, multi-instrumentalist and tabla player Tomáš Reindl. Omnion defines its distinctive style "OmniBeat" as a unique combination of live instruments with interactive electronics. In his clearly recognizable author's handwriting, inspiration from the ancient roots of Eastern and Western music is combined with sophisticated approaches to live processing and looping. His overlaps range from electro-acoustic downtempo, to world-beat, to ecstatic dance music with positive deep vibes. In addition to club and festival performances, Omnion has also performed a number of performances in temple premises, with a meditatively tuned program. Omnion creates music not only for listening, but also for dancing, which he perceives as an archetypal human need.
Corpo Midori
The group, which was formed last fall, combines influences from (mainly) progressive rock, jazz and ambient in atmospheric original compositions. The standard line-up will be complemented by a microtonal keyboard whirlwind. Martin Lapčík - bass guitar / flutes Martin Lysoněk - electric guitar Vojtěch Brhel - drums featuring Ondřej Lapčík - keyboards
The spectacular birthday celebration of tenor Pavel Černoch at the Špilberk Festival was interrupted by a storm. We therefore moved the replacement concert to the Janáček Theater so that the weather would not surprise us again. We believe that all listeners of the festival concert, for which we had contact, have already received tickets to the Janáček Theater on the new date. If you bought the concert as part of the Špilberk festival physically in advance and you do not yet have the new replacement tickets, please contact us at, we will agree with you on the next procedure. If the new date does not suit you, you can return your tickets until the end of 2024.
Workshops for schools: How to do ballet
Take a look into the world of ballet with us!
The ballet teaching team has prepared four workshop options for you, offering participants a playful and experiential way to explore the world of ballet art. The workshop is adapted for kindergartens, elementary schools, high schools and grammar schools. Contact us and choose the type of workshop you are interested in.
Don Quijote
One of the pillars of the classical ballet legacy is the ballet Don Quixote to music by Ludwig Minkus, inspired by Cervantes' famous novel The Ingenious Don Quixote of La Mancha. It describes the adventures of the hero, the knight Don Quixote, who is torn by imaginations moving between illusion and reality.
However, the ballet productions use Cervantes' story in their libretto only as inspiration and pretext. All the stage action is centered around the young loving couple Basilio (Basil) and Quiteria (Kitri), who are hindered by the rich suitor Comacho (Gamacho). Only thanks to Don Quixote will their love be fulfilled.
Jackal years
"Close your eyes, most of you can see better..." The famous film musical comedy by director Jan Hřebejk and screenwriter Petr Jarchovský from 1993, based on the story of the same name by Petr Šabach, does not present a realistic picture of the Czech 1950s. Rather, she builds, with admitted exaggeration, a monument "to honor the heroes who once drove people mad," as she sings in her final song. It attempts to embody the dream of freedom and independence that every generation needs.
Music meeting at the Smoking Rabbit Bar.
Workshop pro veřejnost: Jak se dělá balet
Nahlédněte s námi do světa baletu!
120minutový workshop nabízí hravou a zážitkovou formou dětem mladšího školního věku (6-11 let) možnost nahlédnout do světa baletního umění. V rámci workshopu se děti dozví něco o historii baletu, významných hudebních skladatelích (nejen) baletní hudby, o choreografii, kostýmu, scénografii a také budou mít možnost vyzkoušet základy klasické taneční techniky a různých pohybů těla a rozšířit si pohybový slovník. Součástí dílny je také setkání s tanečním souborem baletu NdB s cílem představit tuto uměleckou profesi zblízka. Zároveň jim nabízí možnost diskutovat s aktivním umělcem o tématech spojených s baletním uměním, hudbou a mnoha dalšími, která se profese tanečníka týká.
Don Quijote
One of the pillars of the classical ballet legacy is the ballet Don Quixote to music by Ludwig Minkus, inspired by Cervantes' famous novel The Ingenious Don Quixote of La Mancha. It describes the adventures of the hero, the knight Don Quixote, who is torn by imaginations moving between illusion and reality.
However, the ballet productions use Cervantes' story in their libretto only as inspiration and pretext. All the stage action is centered around the young loving couple Basilio (Basil) and Quiteria (Kitri), who are hindered by the rich suitor Comacho (Gamacho). Only thanks to Don Quixote will their love be fulfilled.
Jackal years
"Close your eyes, most of you can see better..." The famous film musical comedy by director Jan Hřebejk and screenwriter Petr Jarchovský from 1993, based on the story of the same name by Petr Šabach, does not present a realistic picture of the Czech 1950s. Rather, she builds, with admitted exaggeration, a monument "to honor the heroes who once drove people mad," as she sings in her final song. It attempts to embody the dream of freedom and independence that every generation needs.
Jackal years
"Close your eyes, most of you can see better..." The famous film musical comedy by director Jan Hřebejk and screenwriter Petr Jarchovský from 1993, based on the story of the same name by Petr Šabach, does not present a realistic picture of the Czech 1950s. Rather, she builds, with admitted exaggeration, a monument "to honor the heroes who once drove people mad," as she sings in her final song. It attempts to embody the dream of freedom and independence that every generation needs.
Manon Lescaut
Love knows no bounds, guilt falls into oblivion, but my love will not die... The beautiful Manon is no stranger to any weakness - she wanted the love of the young knight Des Grieux and a life of luxury and wealth that only the old banker Géront can provide... But everything has its price and not even love can save everything. “Manon is a heroine I believe in, and that's why you can't help but win the hearts of the audience. Why couldn't there be two operas about Manon? A woman like Manon can have more than one lover. Massenet feels her like a Frenchman, with powder and minuets. I will feel it like an Italian, with a desperate passion," declared Puccini determinedly, when his publisher tried to talk him out of composing an opera on a theme that had already been set to music. And he did well, because Manon Lescaut has been one of his great successes since its premiere in Turin in 1893. He kept what he promised and offered his audience passion, despair and hope that overcomes even the tragic end of the main characters. After all, love never dies.
Jackal years
"Close your eyes, most of you can see better..." The famous film musical comedy by director Jan Hřebejk and screenwriter Petr Jarchovský from 1993, based on the story of the same name by Petr Šabach, does not present a realistic picture of the Czech 1950s. Rather, she builds, with admitted exaggeration, a monument "to honor the heroes who once drove people mad," as she sings in her final song. It attempts to embody the dream of freedom and independence that every generation needs.
Jackal years
"Close your eyes, most of you can see better..." The famous film musical comedy by director Jan Hřebejk and screenwriter Petr Jarchovský from 1993, based on the story of the same name by Petr Šabach, does not present a realistic picture of the Czech 1950s. Rather, she builds, with admitted exaggeration, a monument "to honor the heroes who once drove people mad," as she sings in her final song. It attempts to embody the dream of freedom and independence that every generation needs.
Kris Davis Trio
The 43-year-old Canadian is one of the brightest stars of jazz piano in her generation. And also one of the busiest. She rarely goes a year without releasing a new album. And if she does, you can bet she'll release at least two new ones the following year.
Veselá vdova
The idea for The Merry Widow was found by librettist Leo Stein in the form of a French comedy, which he discovered by chance while rummaging through the library on a visit. The originally intended composer was not interested and the choice fell on the young Franz Lehár. If it was an intervention of fate, then he turned out to be very lucky. Lehár, with a Hungarian mother and a Moravian father, apparently had a flair for melodies, swing and wit thanks to his mixed family heritage. The Merry Widow's number is every little musical gift, and melodies like U Maxima jsem znam, the song about Vilije, Women, women and others quickly became famous. Lehár also became famous thanks to The Merry Widow, and today his operetta is also in the repertoire of the New York MET. The Merry Widow is returning to the Brno stage after almost thirty years, and an already experienced team will take over. Director Magdalena Švecová, together with choreographer Martin Pack and artists Zuzana Přidalová and David Janošek, are the authors of the great and rich productions of Ferda Mravenc and La bohème. So you can look forward to the charm of Paris at the turn of the century with more pageantry.
Jackal years
"Close your eyes, most of you can see better..." The famous film musical comedy by director Jan Hřebejk and screenwriter Petr Jarchovský from 1993, based on the story of the same name by Petr Šabach, does not present a realistic picture of the Czech 1950s. Rather, she builds, with admitted exaggeration, a monument "to honor the heroes who once drove people mad," as she sings in her final song. It attempts to embody the dream of freedom and independence that every generation needs.
Jam with Shanny
Come play. Drums, keyboards, guitar and microphones will be on site. Bass combo too. We will be happy to plug in and sound up other instruments.
Brno Philharmonic: Drummer beats
Someone wise said that playing drums is like living in a toy store. Everyone can play with something completely different here for a while! And what can be played? And do drummers even need instruments? And isn't there a bit of a drummer in each of us? An interactive concert in which children appear as equal partners of the musicians and are literally "within their reach". No sitting on chairs, but lots of musical entertainment for 3 to 6 year olds. moderated by: Kristýna Drášilová and Magdalena Dostálová Performer: Kristýna Švihálková (percussion) Venue: Meeting House
Kairos Creature Club (US)
Kairos Creature Club is an American project put together by Lena Simon (La Luz) and Glenn Michael Van Dyke (BOYTOY). As part of their European tour, they will bring last year's eponymous album Kairos Creature Club to Fléda, which offers a perfect genre mix. Both Lena and Glenn currently live in Jacksonville, Florida, where they host the annual Winterland Music Festival. The perfect synergy of these two musical individuals started with the debut record Join The Club in 2021 and subsequently Kairos Creature Club conquered crowds of fans all over the world with their live performances.
French esprit and Spanish passion are hidden in the music of Bizet's Carmen. Finally, who does not know the immortal opera hits - the famous Habanera or the aria of the toreador Escamillo. But what if there is something more hidden behind the story of love's flightiness?
The Orchestral Academy of the Brno Philharmonic (OAFB) is a project that enables young talented musicians – students or recent graduates of music schools accepted on the basis of a selection process – to gain orchestral practice in a professional ensemble. In this way, the Philharmonic trains new generations of players who may one day join its ranks. The OAFB has been operating for six seasons and its fruits are already evident: some of its graduates are already members of our orchestra, others regularly return to help out. The importance and value of this experience for the artistic growth of young musicians and for the future of the orchestra is thus indisputable.
Robert Křesťan and Druhá tráva
Druhá trava - a leading Czech band, which over the years has deviated from the original modern bluegrass to a trans-genre expression and ranks among the top on the Czech scene. The current concert program of Druhé trávy includes a cross-section of Robert Křestťan's work from the entire period of the group's existence, now with an emphasis on compositions from the last studio albums Part One and now also Part Two.
Nikol Bóková Trio Klára Pudláková & MAOMAH
Pianist and composer Nikol Bóková is one of the most followed and successful artists of the young generation. Last year alone, she gave concerts in Japan, Austria, Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy, among others. She gives concerts and records in various groups and solo, and will bring a stable line-up of her Trio to Brno.
The principle of Maomah's work is to develop original compositions based on classical music through improvisation and rhythmic freedom borrowed from jazz. On the one hand, the double bass and three violins respect the rules of composition, on the other hand, thanks to the abilities and experience of the participants, they can be carried away by the flow of free improvisation, and thanks to this, the compositions of Klára Pudláková, who calls this shift a musical mystery, sound different every time. Musical expression and dynamics are thus not governed by the musical notation, but by the mutual reaction of the musicians and the given moment. This also applies to the current group, in which the original string ensemble (double bass and three violins) has been expanded to include wind instruments (saxophone, saxophone and clarinet, trombone).
Brno Philharmonic: Drummer beats
Someone wise said that playing drums is like living in a toy store. Everyone can play with something completely different here for a while! And what can be played? And do drummers even need instruments? And isn't there a bit of a drummer in each of us? An interactive concert in which children appear as equal partners of the musicians and are literally "within their reach". No sitting on chairs, but lots of musical entertainment for 3 to 6 year olds.
moderated by: Kristýna Drášilová and Magdalena Dostálová
Performer: Kristýna Švihálková (percussion)
Venue: Meeting House
Mamma Mia!
Few musical titles have literally caused a global uproar like the musical Mamma Mia!, which is full of the immortal hits of the Swedish band ABBA. It belongs to the group of so-called jukebox musical, when a new, original story is invented for existing songs, in which mostly well-known hits are inserted. Catherine Johnson, the scriptwriter of this musical, has done admirably with a procedure that is not often met with enthusiastic reception. The experienced British dramatist has managed to write a fun and captivating story in which well-known songs are an integral and natural part.
Domalis & Oralis
Jan Fic and the new duo Domalis & Oralis, with Ondřej Bezre (various guitars and plucks, something between blues and folk, perhaps funny lyrics.
How is an opera made? Workshop for the second grade of primary and secondary schools
Where did opera originate? What is a libretto? Who is the inspector? And what does a scenographer need to know? You will learn this and much more at our workshop. Participants will learn about the opera genre, the production process, the operation of the theater and the professions that work in the theater. It also includes a taste of opera singing. The participants will be offered several connected activities, which should give them the opportunity to look under the hood of the functioning of the opera theater, the opera genre and its demands. The workshop also includes a short tour of the Janáček Theater.
Brno Philharmonic: Drummer beats
Someone wise said that playing drums is like living in a toy store. Everyone can play with something completely different here for a while! And what can be played? And do drummers even need instruments? And isn't there a bit of a drummer in each of us? An interactive concert in which children appear as equal partners of the musicians and are literally "within their reach". No sitting on chairs, but lots of musical entertainment for 3 to 6 year olds.
moderated by: Kristýna Drášilová and Magdalena Dostálová
Performer: Kristýna Švihálková (percussion)
Venue: Meeting House
Jana Koubková and Ondřej Kabrna
A concert not only with famous jazz standards, but also contemporary works by world-famous jazzmen, including Jana Koubková's own compositions and lyrics. Ondřej Kabrna not only sensitively accompanies here, but is also an excellent soloist.
Její pastorkyňa
Worse than a scar on the face are scars on the soul.
Her Shepherdess is one of Janáček's most famous works and is a permanent part of the repertoire of the Brno Opera. It started with a realistic drama by Gabriela Preissová, which the composer himself adapted into the form of an opera libretto. Although he had to significantly shorten the text of the drama, he succeeded in deepening the effect of the tragic story from the Moravian countryside. The spendthrift and fickle Števa, the fierce and yet at heart kind Laca, and above all the inexorable Kostelnička, whose efforts to maintain her position and respect in the village community will lead her to murder the child of her shelter, Jenůfa. Janáček (1854–1928) captured the individual characters in a masterly dramatic shorthand that is chilling and at the same time evokes compassion and understanding in us. The final form of the work, marked by the death of the composer's daughter Olga, led to a long and thorny road. After the successful premiere in Brno in 1904, her pastor had to wait twelve long years before Janáček's efforts were crowned with well-deserved success on other domestic and foreign stages.
Mamma Mia!
Few musical titles have literally caused a global uproar like the musical Mamma Mia!, which is full of the immortal hits of the Swedish band ABBA. It belongs to the group of so-called jukebox musical, when a new, original story is invented for existing songs, in which mostly well-known hits are inserted. Catherine Johnson, the scriptwriter of this musical, has done admirably with a procedure that is not often met with enthusiastic reception. The experienced British dramatist has managed to write a fun and captivating story in which well-known songs are an integral and natural part.
Iva Bittová & Antotnín Fajt & Chimera (US)
An extraordinary evening with Iva Bittová will offer a unique combination of musical intimacy and international artistic dialogue. The concert, which is part of the May tour organized by Palác Akropolis and its partners, will feature two musical formations. The first part of the evening will feature the collaboration of Iva Bittová and pianist Antonín Fajt, which promises a deeply personal connection between voice and piano. In the second half, Iva will perform together with the American ensemble Chimera, consisting of Steve Gorn, Timothy Hill and Michael Bisio, who will perform with Iva in Europe for the first time. This extraordinary project combines jazz, classical music and elements of improvisation into a captivating whole. The audience can look forward to a unique musical experience that will connect world musical traditions, improvisation and unique personalities on one stage.
Mamma Mia!
Few musical titles have literally caused a global uproar like the musical Mamma Mia!, which is full of the immortal hits of the Swedish band ABBA. It belongs to the group of so-called jukebox musical, when a new, original story is invented for existing songs, in which mostly well-known hits are inserted. Catherine Johnson, the scriptwriter of this musical, has done admirably with a procedure that is not often met with enthusiastic reception. The experienced British dramatist has managed to write a fun and captivating story in which well-known songs are an integral and natural part.
Mamma Mia!
Few musical titles have literally caused a global uproar like the musical Mamma Mia!, which is full of the immortal hits of the Swedish band ABBA. It belongs to the group of so-called jukebox musical, when a new, original story is invented for existing songs, in which mostly well-known hits are inserted. Catherine Johnson, the scriptwriter of this musical, has done admirably with a procedure that is not often met with enthusiastic reception. The experienced British dramatist has managed to write a fun and captivating story in which well-known songs are an integral and natural part.
MIG 21 at Špilberk
MIG 21 regularly sell out Fléda and this time they will play in Špilberk. The band consisting of Jiří Macháček (vocals), Pavel Hrdlička (trumpet, keyboards), Jan Hladík (drums) and Tomáš Polák (guitar) has been keeping us out of everyday reality with their Dadaist lyrics and multi-genre pop since 1998. During their almost twenty-five-year career, they managed to record dozens of hits that were enough to popularize and be written into the collective memory of Czech listeners.
Perhaps the most popular composition for the celebration of spring is the cantata "Opening the Wells" by Bohuslav Martinů, which is why it will appear again after some time on the program of the spring concert. It will be complemented, among other things, by Slovak folk songs newly arranged by Kantiléna's "court pianist" Marko Paľa and the premiere of a playful series written by František Fiala, who has recently collaborated with Kantiléna repeatedly.
Zola Jesus in the Red Church
Zola Jesus will perform at the Red Church in May in a solo piano concert following her EP Alive in Cappadocia capturing a live performance celebrating the dominance and dynamics of her powerful voice. The voice cuts through reality and penetrates ordinary habits into raw emotions. The capacity is limited, the concert will take place in seating mode.
Black and White
Sometimes a single second is all it takes… Black and White is essentially a modernized version of the flagship of the classic repertoire - Swan Lake. It is a title that belongs to the most performed ballets in the world. Our version, which was a big success in the US, but represents today. It is an attempt to bring this work closer to the younger generation by looking at it from a different angle, denying all traditions and visually reimagining Swan Lake as such. In the classical interpretation of the ballet, the dominant characters are ballerinas (the main dual role of Odette - Odílie), so it is mainly a statement of the female element. In our version, we offer a view of Swan Lake through the main character, Prince Siegfried, who is going through a difficult life situation connected with the treatment of a serious disease - cancer.