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Friday, 6 December 2024

Barbara Maria Willi introduces... XXI. annual concert of the cycle of early music I Cembalomania

06/12/24, 19:00 / Konvent Milosrdných bratří (Convent of Merciful Brothers)

Antonín Dvořák I Rusalka

06/12/24, 19:00 / Janáčkovo divadlo (Janáček Theatre)


06/12/24, 19:00 / Hudební scéna Městského divadla Brno (Music Theatre)

Puding Pani Elvisovej | Chiki Liki Tu-a

06/12/24, 20:00 / Alterna

Christmas show

06/12/24, 20:00 / Cabaret des Péchés

MC Gey with a band

06/12/24, 20:00 / Club Fléda

Bars and Melody (UK)

06/12/24, 20:30 / Metro Music Bar

Bars and Melody (UK)

06/12/24, 20:30 / Metro Music Bar