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Saturday, 4 November 2023

Funeral mass for Ivan Sedláček

04/11/23, 17:00 / Katedrála sv. Petra a Pavla (The Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul) - Petrov

Janáček to the start!

04/11/23, 19:00 / Mahen Theatre


04/11/23, 19:00 / Kafara

The Addams Family

04/11/23, 19:00 / Hudební scéna Městského divadla Brno (Music Theatre)

Because of Blue

04/11/23, 20:00 / Jazz bar U kouřícího králíka

Sir Anthony

04/11/23, 20:00

Queen Symphonic

04/11/23, 20:00 / Sono Centrum

Škaredá holka + Bixley

04/11/23, 20:30 / Metro Music Bar